NOTES: (a) For Full and Associate Full
Members trade references are mandatory. (b) Your company must have been
in the LLHA industry and maintained a warehouse in Canada or the U.S.A.
for two years. (c) You must be selling in Canada LLHA related products
for at least one year directly to Canadian retail stores. (d) Application
must be accompanied by a copy of your company registration or incorporation.
(e) To be considered, application must be completed in its entirety
and accompanied with a cheque payable to LLHA of Canada in the amount
of $310.00 Cdn. (plus hst). Membership fees must be paid in order to
receive any exhibitor information for the LLHA Show. (f) All applications
for membership are subject to the final approval of the LLHA Board of
Directors which reserves the right to waive any of the requirements
on an application or withhold acceptance of any applicant for any reason
that the Board, in its sole discretion, deems to be in the best interests
of its members and that decision shall be final and binding upon the
Applicants Name: *
Sep 13, 2024
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Toronto, Ontario
M9C 4V2
Tel: 1-866-872-2420 or (519)624-9085 Fax:(519)624-6408 |